Monday, January 2, 2012

First is the worst

So like many other people, I'm going to try and update this blog once a day for an entire year of 2012.

I'd first like to get started by discussing what happened on new years. While some people are celebrating at house parties or with there significant others, I went and celebrated in Dallas and I would like to say it was a big mistake. Nearly every place charges cover (the den, which is where Shadi and I went, charged 20 dollars of cover). And on top of all of that, every bar is super crowded so it's nearly impossible to get a drink or even move around without running into someone or getting elbowed or bumped into. New years eve is really overrated anyway. I mean what are you exactly celebrating? It's not a Christian holiday and it's not anything really different from any other weekend of the year, it's just more packed with people and drinks are more expensive. I don't know,maybe that is just me.

I'm glad 2011 is over. It's been a long year, and I'm another year older. I've lost 3 people that were close in my life, sahra, tegene, and Matt Reyes. I still can't believe sahra is really gone. I can't wrap my mind around it still. I guess it's the whole brutality of the way she passed that still really gets me... It just doesn't seem real to me still. I hope 2012 will be a much more fun and fruitful year.

Where were you when the clock struck midnight on new years eve? I was on the second floor of "the den", a bar located next to jake's hamburgers in uptown Dallas. I was in the middle of an entryway, trying to meet up with 2 girls that I had met the night prior (Gina and Michelle), 2 girls from Kansas University. Instead of meeting up with them, I got stuck in a huge crowd of random drunk and obnoxious people in the middle of the doorway. Lol. Good thing that NEw Years isn't that big of a deal to me. I did manage to meet up with Gina and Michelle, but they were only there for a few moments before they had to leave because Michelle was so drunk she could hardly stand up.

After they left, we bar hopped in bars around uptown but it didn't work as well as you would think. Half the bars were still charging cover, even though it was after midnight, and the other half weren't allowing people even in the bar anymore because the fire Marshall had come by and threatened to shut them down. So we played it low key at ginger mans on boll street, which wasn't really crowded at all (because they only serve beer and not liquor). Shadi and I got some entertainment for the night in watching some 30 year old middle eastern guy with a 1 foot beard they and spit game at a chick way out of his league. Needless to say, he went home alone.

After the bars closed, we hit up roccos pizza on McKinney street. Everyone said the had good pizza, but I wasn't too impressed. The pizza was way way too greasy. When we walked in, we both got to see some girl that was way to drunk for her own good walk out of the restaurant and puke all over the place. I guess pizza was a bad choice for her too. Lol

Today was a pretty chill day for me. I pretty much relaxed the whole day, hung out at the house, and watched the Celtic game. It was pretty entertaining (especially because they won)and rondo had a triple double. After the game was over, I went and shot some hoops then went bowling with Vijetha, jacole, and Erica.

When did I get so bad at bowling? I used to be good! Especially because I was able to put a hook on the ball and get a bunch of strikes... Now I'm awful. I had a friendly wager with Vijetha over an embarrassing picture I took of her earlier today and if she won, I'd delete it, if I won, I got to keep it. She ended up having the game of her life and getting like 5 spares which is completely unlike Vijetha and I couldn't hit anything at all. She ended up beating me by 30 pins or something.. It was bad. But I'm a man of my word, and I deleted the picture.

After bowling I went grocery shopping, and basically got all the most healthy foods that exist at walmart. Today was also one of my last days where I consistently cheat on my diet and eat really badly (I had taco bell, it wasn't really good).

Oh yeah, and chris bates got mad because I wrote on his Facebook that "tim tebow > chris bates". He texted me almost immediately after I wrote it, lol what a weird guy.

That pretty much sums up everything for today, I'll give this thing a shout later. Happy New Years!!!!

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