Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tres bien

So I'm a little late updating this thing because I was too tired from rock climbing yesterday. That's right, I went indoor rock climbing, with ole Christopher "Columbus" bates. I first went and applied to some jobs in the analyst field (there's a ton now, I guess because of the start of the new year and all) and tried to figure out my game changing plan of what I'm going to do going forward. I might possibly go get my masters and go take out loans for one semester and go back to school (probably uta) until I can find a new job but I'm still not sure.

I found out that one of my friends (Dominique, the tri delt) got fired from her job at renfields corner the other day. The day I was supposed to go to the hockey game with shadi, his girl, and the girl I met at abercrombie (she was a manager people!), Blair, she ended up cancelling on me last minute AS I WAS DRIVING TO DALLAS. I was already sick that day with a sinus infection too.. And she doesn't even apologize or even call me and tell me she can't make it.. She does it by text message.. I mean who seriously does that? And it was the whole way she said it too.. "Hey just give my ticket to someone else because I can't make it.. Raincheck!" Like really? Anyway, it ended up turning into a positive because I gave the tickets to shadi and his girl and I hit uptown.. Where I met hannah and dominique who were bartenders/cocktail waitresses/servers at renfield's corner. Dominique supposedly got too drunk or something on the clock so they fired her. That sucks because she was really really cool. But I could totally see her getting fired because drama follows her everywhere.. So I'm not surprised.

I met up with chris at dynorock in Arlington for rock climbing and Christmas gift exchanging.. I got him a nelson Cruz shirt and a an awesome "awkward family photos" calendar. During rock climbing, chris got winded way too early and hardly climbed at all. Not only is he extremely out of shape, but he gives up way too early. He needs to push himself.... That's how you get results. I ended up doing most of the climbing, and I'm not going to lie, I was concerned about my safety when I discovered chris had no idea how to "spot" me climbing down. A lot of times he would have slack on the rope because he would pull the black lever thing before I even leaned back. Silly guy. I destroyed my hands on the huge tether rope, by trying to climb it only using my hands and not my legs. I will master it though.

How could I forget about the pranks? Chris told me that he lied to me yesterday, and that he wasn't really cooking all evening like he had told me. So I felt it necessary to prank him badly for it as punishment. Whenever I would rappel him down, I would drop him like 5 feet fast then let go of the lever, forcing tension in the rope. This would cause a sudden tug in the harness around his waist, leading to chris getting racked... I did this 5 times in a row to him -- the rack of doom! Haha.

Needless to say, that doesn't top this prank I also pulled on him. After getting a classic chris phrase, "what the hell." after he opened my awkward calendar gift, I also found it necessary to try out some new "fart spray" that I got on amazon. I initially wasn't going to spray it in his car, but after I found out he had lied to me, I found it essentially necessary. (I had requested that we opened gifts in his car). I sprayed it 3 times when he wasn't looking, and then exited the car. As he was backing out, I overheard him say, "it smells like shit in here." and drive off.

About 10 minutes later, I called him on the phone and he told me "it just reeks of shit in here." and that he had all the windows rolled down. He couldn't figure out why it stunk so bad. He hypothesized that it was from rock climbing somehow. I kept quiet to keep from laughing out loud. He said it "smells like diarrhea" and that he first noticed the smell when I left the scene of the crime. He even went and checked the backseat and trunk for any open food... I got him so bad. I'm laughing just reading this.

After dynorock, I hit up the gym and played some hoops. I ran into a guy that I've hooped with before and found out he was only 17 (I thought he was in his 20s).. What a hoss.

Be back laterrrrr

I almost forgot.. A day before new years eve, I ran into ole melanie de la fuente.. THE melanie de la fuente... Aka the girl I had a crush on in high school/early college years. I ran into her at re fields in uptown. Boy, has she changed. When I was talking to her and she realized who I was, I could tell she regret blowing me off way back then when I asked her on a date (I asked her out for coffee). The whole night she was talking to me and she even facebook messaged me that night because she couldn't find me.. Well, you missed your chance Mel... You snooze you lose.

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